6 Payne Road | Block Island, RI 02807
(401) 466-2974
Block Island Health Services is a Primary Care Facility providing community health care, able to handle urgent and emergent needs.
Through our in-house providers, partnerships with visiting specialists, and a mainland referral network, BIHS helps ensure the health, safety, and well-being of island residents and visitors.
Block Island Health Services is open for appointments:
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Please be aware that we are first and foremost a primary care facility. During regular business hours, please call for an appointment.
For after-hour needs, please call (401) 466-3220 to be triaged for further guidance.
Call 911 for all emergencies.
Medical Center News
BIHS Holiday Break Hours
Happy Holidays from BIHS! We will be CLOSED December 23-January 1.
Support BIHS this Giving Tuesday!
Happy Thanksgiving from BIHS!
BIHS will be closed November 28 & 29.
Healthy Living
“To Your Good Health” in 2025!
In our first 2025 edition of “To Your Good Health”, Laurie Anderson discusses how to set reasonable and attainable goals, with helpful tips to stick to them!
Depression and the Holidays
In our December edition of “To Your Good Health”, Laurie Anderson reviews the ways depression symptoms can worsen in the winter months and around the holidays, & gives some important ways to manage these symptoms.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
Help us raise awareness about diabetes by increasing your own knowledge while learning some prevention and management tips!
Exciting progress on the BIHS campus!!
The basement is nearly complete – new spaces for PT, dental, & ancillary services will open soon.
The new wing is nearing completion with 2 new care rooms & provider offices.
We expect the new residence building to open mid-summer for our medical students, residents, & visiting providers!
Soon we will move into phase 2 of the construction, shifting all care into the new treatment wing. Reception & waiting room will be in the trailer in the front parking lot this summer.
THANK YOU for your support of this transformative project!
Visiting Residents and Students
We have a unique and storied history.
Watch a documentary by Seedworks Films about the history and making of the Block Island Medical Center, from its farmhouse roots to the present day. Yes, with appearances by Mary Donnelly, RN.
Stay up to date & follow BIHS!