Ph: 401.466.2974 | Fax: 401-466-5476 | DIAL 911 IN AN EMERGENCY

Support Block Island Health Services Today!

Your donation will help BIHS continue to provide full-spectrum healthcare to the Block Island community and its many visitors.

Block Island Health Services exists to protect the health and safety of our island residents and visitors.  To date, BIHS has been able to accomplish its mission because of the contributions of many. The costs of maintaining, improving, and updating our facility are challenging. Without ongoing adequate funding, we are in danger of falling behind in our medical equipment, IT support, and maintenance of our facility—all of which are vital to BIHS carrying out its mission. We need to make certain that the medical professionals at BIHS have the resources they need to continue to provide outstanding primary and emergency care to islanders and visitors of all ages.

BIHS depends on billing, grants, investment income, and fundraising for its survival.  The Medical Center was opened in 1989 as a result of Islanders who understood the need and came forward with the means to build the Block Island Medical Center.  We depend on the community and visitors to continue to show support. 

If we are to assure continued quality healthcare on Block Islandwe need year-round and seasonal residents, patients, families, and visitors to regularly give what they can to maintain and grow the best island medical center in New England.   

The self-sustaining revenue generated in our endowment will minimize the threat of ongoing funding crises and decrease reliance on continued external funding support.  Please think about us when you begin or renew your membership, receive your Lights of Love card, in end-of-year giving, and in your estate planning.  Every gift–large or small–matters!  

Your donation supports Block Island Health Services and the Block Island community in many ways.

Block Island Health Services, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

You will receive a tax receipt for your records after your donation is processed.