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The Block Island Medical Center Capital Campaign


Block Island Health Services has started an exciting building project to ensure our facility can serve Block Island’s healthcare needs today and well into the future.

Our $14 million Capital Campaign will fund a renovation and expansion of the Medical Center and grow the endowment. The current building was built in 1989, with minor adaptations since. The upgrades and expansion are essential to providing the primary and urgent care we all need here on Block Island.

Highlights of the  Renovation/Expansion Plans

 – 2 acute care rooms, 4 primary care rooms, and a central care team area

– Critically needed housing: 4 single rooms with shared kitchen and living space for visiting students and medical residents, as as a separate apartment for visiting specialists and relief providers

– New and redesigned spaces for telehealth, behavioral health, dentistry, x-ray, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, and lab

– New physical therapy treatment space

 – Newly designed office space for providers and administration

 – New elevator accessing all 3 floors of the building


We ask everyone to make a meaningful investment in Block Island’s only medical care providers and welcome your contribution of any amount – and pledges may be paid in up to five years.

Block Island Health Services is a critical resource to Block Island, sustaining the island as a viable year-round community and an internationally-known tourist destination. We provide medical care for everyone on the island – year-round residents, seasonal homeowners, summer renters, boaters moored in the Great Salt Pond and Old Harbor, summer workers, weekend visitors, and day-trippers.

Check out our construction progress!

(Updated 11/20/2024)


Your gift will help ensure that critical care is available when you, your family, and your friend need it.

Gifts of stock (stock transfers) to BIHS Capital Campaign

DTCC Participant ID: 2663

DTCC Participant Name: SEI Private Trust Company

Agent Bank ID: 70447

Agent Bank ID Account Number: 20085-D

Interested Party ID: 64728

Interested Party Account Number: Block Island Health Services (A/C #4001007251)

Cash (wire) transfers to BIHS Capital Campaign 

ABA:  011500858

The Washington Trust Company / 23 Broad Street / Westerly, RI 02891 

DDA:  826357

FFC:  Block Island Health Services Capital Campaign (4001007251)

Gifts from Donor Advised Funds to BIHS Capital Campaign

Block Island Health Services EIN: 22-2570482

Please note purpose: Capital Campaign

Please note donor name(s) and Capital Campaign with your gift.

Block Island Health Services, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. BIHS’s tax ID is 22-2570482.

You will receive a tax receipt for your records after your donation is processed.