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Dr. Warcup Update 1.18.21

Dr. Tom Warcup’s Update Monday, January 18th, 2021 Click here to watch Dr. Warcup’s latest update. Data for 2020, revealed the Block Island Medical Center saw just under 7,000 patients, which is a 4.3% increase over 2019. Dr. Warcup appreciates the efforts of the BI...

C-19 Vaccine Update

Please view an update regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine from Dr. Warcup at the link below: Dr. Warcup explains that the Medical Center received 70 doses of Moderna vaccine last week designated for Fire, Rescue and Medical personnel. Due to some EMS personnel being unable...

C-19 Update from Dr. Warcup

Please watch the latest video update from Dr. Warcup at the link below: Dr. Warcup notes that the positivity rate in Rhode Island was trending down on Wednesday, from 7.8% the previous week to 6.4%. Distribution of the Moderna vaccine has begun across the US and the...

C-19 Vaccine Update

Please view the video with the latest vaccine information from Dr. Warcup: The Medical Center has been approved as a vaccination site and will administer the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. The first round of the...

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update from the Medical Center August 12, 2020 The Medical Center can confirm 2 additional cases of COVID-19 on Block Island. The positive individuals were found through asymptomatic testing performed by the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). As in all...
COVID-19 Actualización

COVID-19 Actualización

COVID-19 Actualización del Centro Médico 12 de agosto de 2020 El Centro Médico puede confirmar 2 casos adicionales de COVID-19 en Block Island. Las personas positivas fueron encontradas a través de pruebas asintomáticas realizadas por el Equipo de Asistencia Médica...

Actualización 1 de agosto

Actualización del Centro Médico Block Island 1 de agosto de 2020 El “repunte” de Rhode Island se define en  la última semana, terminando el 29dejulio,  como  7 personas adicionales en el hospital con COVID-19 (total 74) y 3 adicionales en el...